Exodus 33:21-23

John 14:6-9
Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really knew me, you would know my
Father as well. From now on, you do
know him and have seen him.”Philip said, “Lord, show us the Father and that will be enough for us.” Jesus answered: “Don’t you know me,
Philip, even after I have been among
you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. How can you
say, ‘Show us the Father’?
Wives, do you remember what your spouse wore on Wednesday? Husbands, do you know what kind of perfume your
wife sprinkles on every morning and if possibly this week she changed the scent on you? Why all the silly questions?
It's been over a week know that I changed my eye glasses. I swapped them out for an older pair, you know, just for variety. And guess
what, NO ONE NOTICED; I mean no one.
my son, not my friends, not even my husband. So last Sunday at church, I looked at my husband and said,
"notice anything different"? He looked straight at my face, and said, no, I don't think so. To
that I replied, " I changed my
glasses and you did not even notice". Then he said, " yeah, yeah, I was
going to say that". Of course
we both laughed and we knew he was fibbing. My reply was "yeah right" :)
All week the Lord has been speaking to me about seeking his face. Really, spending time and looking into his
face. We have to make sure that we don't
miss God. Sometimes the Lord will speak
specifically to us through a friend or a song; sometimes via the Sunday message and even through an unbeliever.
I'm asking the Lord, Father let me know
you more. Lord help me see the fullness of your character. God doesn't change; his Word says that he is the same
yesterday, today and forevermore (Hebrews 13:8), therefore I have my entire lifetime to
get to know him. He's not going to change
but by his grace, I WILL! I want to
know all that the Lord wants to show
me. I want to recognize him wherever I
am; wherever he has me. I don't want to take it for granted that I am familiar with all the different
attributes of my Father. What I desire is that my eyes and ears be
attentive and very well acquainted with the character of God. I
will only learn this as I sit at his feet;
as I meditate on his Word day and night.
If God were to speak to me through my son, would I recognize him? I
hope so, I really do. Just yesterday my son and I were talking about the Lord, his Name and his character. A
few minutes into the conversation, I said to myself, ok Lord, I recognize you. My
son and I spoke about Yahweh, God's name and it confirmed to me yet again, that I must recognize him; my God and my Lord!
As I was getting the worship song list ready for this Sunday, once again, it was about his face and knowing him. I pulled out an old song, "Awesome
in this Place". Some of the lyrics go like this:
As I come into Your presence
Past the gates of praise
Into Your sanctuary
'Til we're
standing face to face
I look upon Your countenance
I see the fullness of Your grace And I can only bow down
and say You are awesome in this place
Mighty God
You are awesome
in this place
Abba Father
You are worthy of
all praise
To You our lives we raise
You are awesome
in this place
Mighty God
Yes to know him; we have a short time on earth to know him more and enjoy him until he calls us home to be with
him forever. Even in "forever"
I wonder if we will ever fully know our Savior; the fullness of his Grace and
Join me in seeking his face more and more each day. I trust you are in the Word, if not, pick it up today.
In the midst of our search ( though he
indeed is not far away) ; in the center
of our exploration we find that we become worshipers of the One who gave us Life. We
encounter the One we desire to know more and our hearts begin to sing,
something like the song above and we
find that in the midst of worship the transformation that we desire is actually occurring.
Praise be to the Living God!
God bless you!~Liz