1 Thessalonians 5:18a NIV
....give thanks in all circumstances;
Today, would have been one of the days that my mom celebrated her birthday. I say ONE because she had two birthdays. Huh? You see she was born on June 14th but an error occurred when documenting her birth date. The birth certificate read June 4th even though she was born on June 14th.
My sisters, my brother, my dad and I differed on when to celebrate her birthday. My mom, a very wise women, settled the matter quickly; she agreed with both parties...celebrate them both :)
I share this today because as you know my mom is no longer here; she is in the presence of God where the festivities are even more grander!
Sweet memories help us stay connected with those we love and have moved to higher & better things. A place where angels reside, gold is used as walking material; the glory of God shines and illuminates the entire place…. Grandiose& Magnificent!
I praise the Lord, Most Excellent God, that 24 hours before she would depart from Earth, He revealed himself to her and she reached out and received the best gift anyone can receive; she inherited eternal life; the Perfect Gift from God!
God your ways are perfect!