For the Lord your God is a consuming fire, a jealous God.
What a week; my every thought has been consumed with this great love that God has for me. It has reached a peak that has caused me to weep even at my desk at work. I think of God's warning in the Garden. I reflect on how Jesus came down to his creation (me) and was willing to be marred, spit on, hated, rejected and ultimately put to death because of his love for me. There have been layers of his love presented to me in these last two weeks. Oh how great is our God!
During a Bible Study last week a young man by the name of James gave a beautiful analogy of how God saw me. A created being made to reflect the image of God; like an antique mirror tossed into a rummage sale. The mirror was not left discarded but purchased; tenderly restored to it's luster to reflect the image of the Purchaser. God sees himself in me!
Of all the things that God created, he chose to have his image reflect in me........in you....
A jealous God; a passionate God pursuing after me. He guards and protects and challenges anything that dares to intercept his chasing after me.
A song has resonated in my heart, Relentless Pursuit. Jesus has come after me and flooded my heart with an incredible love for Him and I run, run after him....for he only satisfies!!! Taste and see that he is Great!!!
So can anything change this great love that God has for me or for you? Can anything cause us to ponder if its true? Only the enemy can try to come in and whisper to us that we are of no value, that life is not worth enjoying every precious moment that he gives us.
What's your story today? Are you happy, sad, disturbed, confused, dismayed, wishing somehow things were different. More time, more money, better health, different job.....and on it goes.
Have you made a decision to involve our Great God on all things? Have we committed that we will not allow the thief to come and destroy our joy--our peace?
See, the thief can only steal what we hand to him.
I CHOOSE to give him nothing! I have been made perfect in the sight of God, reflecting his face so that all can see we have a Creator who lavishes us with his love.
DARE to intercept his goodness toward his own and you will encounter a jealous God!
He is a wall of sea water engulfing the enemy (Exodus 14). He is in the sound of the trumpets and glass routing the enemy (Judges 7). He is in the earthquake as the words are spoken, "It is Finished" (Matthew 27).
In this world we will have trouble (John 16:33). The world is fallen and cursed (Genesis 3). But listen to what the Lord says as he speaks through his servant Paul; For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 8:38-39).
GET IT...NOTHING! This life is short and the Spirit of the Lord is pointing us to a higher ground...a place of perfection with the Lover of our Soul! He is coming back for ME! I am not left at the alter waiting; but the Bridegroom is coming!!
Sickness, disease, disappointments, in plenty and in want---I CHOOSE YOU JESUS because HE YOU CHOSEN ME!
God bless you!~LizRod