Psalm 143:8 (KJV) Cause me to hear thy lovingkindness in the morning; for in thee do I trust: cause me to know the way wherein I should walk; for I lift up my soul unto thee.
It’s the most wonderful time of the year…… No it’s not winter but the season that precedes it; it is FALL (perhaps not officially)!
This is my favorite time of year with Spring being second in line. As I sat outside this morning in my pajamas, cup of coffee in hand it was glorious! To any visitor that would have stopped by my house this morning- I look like a wreck. You know ladies, you just got up, the hair is a mess; I brushed my teeth and outside I went as if it was a long desired treat!
The breeze was invigorating; I felt like I could climb the trees in my back yard and sway and compete with all the branches that moved to the song of the gentle wind; I was jealous.
God’s creation is so beautiful and as I sat there talking with my Lord and thanking him for the beauty my eyes beheld and the breeze my face felt, well it was a private time of worship with me and my Father.
I rocked back and forth on the swing in my backyard with Bible in hand reading of the different mentions of praise in the Scriptures; so many authors with expression of praise unto God.
There is a boasting and celebration for the great things that God has done! I read once again about the various times of thanksgiving, hands extended in praise to our Lord. The very visible expressions of praise as the writers illustrate how they bowed down to the Lord; the instruments they plucked to honor the Almighty; the songs that were sung in times of pain and victory. Oh praise the Lord oh my soul!
I too began to speak and sing out loud as I praised my God.
Prompted by the very experience of the gentle breeze, my soul began to express thanksgiving unto God!
I was reminded of the day my life changed. Yes, like a gentle breeze I was swept away by the Lover of my Soul! “ The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.”(John 3:8)
God is so good! Thank you for saving my soul! Thank you for revealing yourself to me over and over again! There is an expression of praise in the Scriptures; in the Hebrew it reads “Todah”. It is an expression of thanksgiving, bringing an offering and in one mention it alludes to an offering of thanksgiving even before the victory comes. “Those who sacrifice thank offerings honor me (Todah), and to the blameless I will show my salvation.” (Psalm 50:23)
Oh, let us praise his Name! The victory indeed belongs to our God. We all have challenges. Today as I sat outside perhaps an eyesore to whoever passed by; I indeed was visited by the Spirit of God and enjoyed a refreshing time in his Presence! I don’t repel him; he does not care what I look like in the morning or any other time; he is acquainted with suffering (Isaiah 53:3) and he desires my company. He wants me to engage with him daily. “And he talks with me and he walks with me and he tells me I am his own”! YES!!! He loves me!
Can I sing a Christmas song at the end of Summer—yes I can. It’s the most wonderful time of the year…..
This is my favorite time of year with Spring being second in line. As I sat outside this morning in my pajamas, cup of coffee in hand it was glorious! To any visitor that would have stopped by my house this morning- I look like a wreck. You know ladies, you just got up, the hair is a mess; I brushed my teeth and outside I went as if it was a long desired treat!
The breeze was invigorating; I felt like I could climb the trees in my back yard and sway and compete with all the branches that moved to the song of the gentle wind; I was jealous.
God’s creation is so beautiful and as I sat there talking with my Lord and thanking him for the beauty my eyes beheld and the breeze my face felt, well it was a private time of worship with me and my Father.
I rocked back and forth on the swing in my backyard with Bible in hand reading of the different mentions of praise in the Scriptures; so many authors with expression of praise unto God.
There is a boasting and celebration for the great things that God has done! I read once again about the various times of thanksgiving, hands extended in praise to our Lord. The very visible expressions of praise as the writers illustrate how they bowed down to the Lord; the instruments they plucked to honor the Almighty; the songs that were sung in times of pain and victory. Oh praise the Lord oh my soul!
I too began to speak and sing out loud as I praised my God.
Prompted by the very experience of the gentle breeze, my soul began to express thanksgiving unto God!
I was reminded of the day my life changed. Yes, like a gentle breeze I was swept away by the Lover of my Soul! “ The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.”(John 3:8)
God is so good! Thank you for saving my soul! Thank you for revealing yourself to me over and over again! There is an expression of praise in the Scriptures; in the Hebrew it reads “Todah”. It is an expression of thanksgiving, bringing an offering and in one mention it alludes to an offering of thanksgiving even before the victory comes. “Those who sacrifice thank offerings honor me (Todah), and to the blameless I will show my salvation.” (Psalm 50:23)
Oh, let us praise his Name! The victory indeed belongs to our God. We all have challenges. Today as I sat outside perhaps an eyesore to whoever passed by; I indeed was visited by the Spirit of God and enjoyed a refreshing time in his Presence! I don’t repel him; he does not care what I look like in the morning or any other time; he is acquainted with suffering (Isaiah 53:3) and he desires my company. He wants me to engage with him daily. “And he talks with me and he walks with me and he tells me I am his own”! YES!!! He loves me!
Can I sing a Christmas song at the end of Summer—yes I can. It’s the most wonderful time of the year…..
God bless you!~Liz