"There are two things that are certain in life, death & taxes." How many times have you heard that?
Indeed, today the account must be settled. Personally, I had to pay!
I tried to stay abreast of the laws that control how much money I have to surrender to the IRS. Because my financial status changed, I was a little unprepared for the debt that I would owe.
I had to make an educated guess at what my tax debt would be. I was pretty close, nevertheless, I came up short. I did not know.
Well that was my tax story. But, what about the other certainty in life, death? The Bible says that the wages of sin is death. (Romans 6:23)
I'm just trying to live! The truth is I was born in sin therefore my debt is stacked up against me upon arrival.
Not understanding the condition of my heart could leave me standing before God saying, "I did not know." But the truth is that the guidelines have been made available to me. Even creation testifies! (Romans 1:20)
I thank God for calling me to himself and exposing the condition of my heart. There is a lot of ugly stuff in there! Salvation is a gift; a gift I did not deserve but gladly and desperately clutched too.
It has been made know to me that my heart needed to be right with God. I did not want to stand empty handed before the Lord when the certainty of death knocked on my door.
I personally have nothing to give that would cancel my debt. I can't file an extension. No one else can pay it for me except for One. All that I have to offer in exchange are filthy rags. (Isaiah 64:6) Nevertheless, today is the day to settle the debt! So I will submit my heart to the One that can be trusted.
The day has arrived.
"Take care, brothers, that none of you may have an evil and unfaithful heart, so as to forsake the living God. Encourage yourselves daily while it is still “today,” so that none of you may grow hardened by the deceit of sin." (Hebrews 3:12-13)
"One of these days we all will stand in judgment for every single word that we have spoken.
One of these days we all will stand before the Lord Give a reason for everything we've done.
What are you going to do when your time has come and your life is done and there's nothing you can stand on. What will you have to say at the judgment throne? I already know the only thing that I can say....And what I've done is Trust in Jesus. My great Deliverer. My strong Defender. The Son of God. I trust in Jesus, Blessed Redeemer. My Lord forever. The Holy One, the Holy One."
(Lyrics by Third Day)
(Lyrics by Third Day)
We can be prepared!
The IRS Tax Laws spell it out for us.
The Word of God became flesh and has arrived. He is the gift of Salvation!
God bless you!~Liz