I think the only thing that was reused were the glass bottles with milk or soda pop. The truck would come through the neighborhood and collect the bottles and then fill them and bring him back the next time he was in our neighborhood.
Today just about everything is recycled. Our world is being weighed down with garbage. Everything is disposable for the sake of convenience.
Whether it's cardboard, water bottles, or Coca Cola cans. Recycling is almost mandatory in some areas due to the overload of trash.
Recycling – to use again.
The Word of God. Do we re-cycle it? Have you passed it on?
Preachers do it every week. TV programs can be watched over and over again. Even the disciples as we read in the book of Acts went around preaching this great news of God and thousands were converted and acknowledged Jesus as Lord and Savior.
Digital Re-cycle.
The Message is the same. It has not changed. We have more platforms than ever before. The opportunities are endless.
Digital Re-cycle. That's what the Lord whispered to me. That's when we take the Word of God in whatever format we have it and pass it on. Did you get a great message or image on Facebook that honors God? We can surely like it but better yet ---share it and pass it on!
Did the preacher minister a transforming life changing message from the Word of God – Pass it on! YouTube a platform used weekly to live-stream messages – share it, re-cycle that Good Word!
Sharing the Word of God can bring life and light to those in darkness. There are so many different teachings, books, and writings that contradict the truth of the Word of God. Why not take the Truth and pass it on! Yes, re-cycle the Word of God, use it again! Get your digital soap box, stand and share!
I love to write and design digital marketing images. Everything I do stems from this core; the truth of the Word of God. I don't need 1000 likes on my page. Sharing and reusing and retelling of God's truth is what I desire. In other words, once we have received this truth whether we read it on some media platform or heard it proclaimed on the church platform, we should take this truth and share it.
Sharing or forwarding or re-cycling these truths that arrive in our inbox, tweets or podcasts – we should pass it on. These digital platforms are available to us to reach our circle of influence with the truth of the Word of God.
There's plenty of garbage all around us. Teachings they lead people to believe they can save themselves. Fine-tuned arguments they lead people astray from the Lord. The devil has polluted the world and desires to keep the soul unredeemed. But this is the truth, Jesus came into the world as a baby. He walked among men and became very familiar with their sufferings. He performed miracles even calling the dead back to life. He came to redeem the lost. He was crucified, died and was resurrected on the third day. The world and the powers of the air are screaming for our attention.
Jesus silently went to the cross to pay for our redemption. Tweet that!
“And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.”
(Mark 16:15)
This is the charge that God has given us, to those who have believed this great message, those who have been transformed, those reborn of the Spirit of God. Go and pick up your soap box, stand and proclaim The Gospel message.
As you spend time on these digital platforms, re-cycle the good news. Don't let these great works of art be seen by your eyes only –pass it on. Take God's message and send it to your friends and family that need encouragement or perhaps salvation.
“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.” Colossians 3:16
Let the message that has brought salvation and joy to your heart also bring joy and transformation to someone else's life. Yes, YouTube, Instagram or your Twitter platforms can be your voice of life, the saving grace of Jesus Christ proclaimed to those bombarded with trash.
The good news has come through Prophets, Disciples, preachers and teachers. Jesus himself spoke to the multitudes about this Good News.
Don't be afraid, fear has no place in the mission that God has given us.
Go, like it, share it, tweet it, send an email or forward the podcast. But go!
“Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine.” 2 Timothy 4:2
This is the charge that God has given us, to those who have believed this great message, those who have been transformed, those reborn of the Spirit of God. Go and pick up your soap box, stand and proclaim The Gospel message.
As you spend time on these digital platforms, re-cycle the good news. Don't let these great works of art be seen by your eyes only –pass it on. Take God's message and send it to your friends and family that need encouragement or perhaps salvation.
“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.” Colossians 3:16
Let the message that has brought salvation and joy to your heart also bring joy and transformation to someone else's life. Yes, YouTube, Instagram or your Twitter platforms can be your voice of life, the saving grace of Jesus Christ proclaimed to those bombarded with trash.
The good news has come through Prophets, Disciples, preachers and teachers. Jesus himself spoke to the multitudes about this Good News.
Don't be afraid, fear has no place in the mission that God has given us.
Go, like it, share it, tweet it, send an email or forward the podcast. But go!
“Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine.” 2 Timothy 4:2
God bless you!~Liz