Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Take off the Grave Clothes

What clothes you?

Some of us can look back and remember what we were wrapped up in before he called us out.

Lazarus was in a tomb DEAD until he heard the voice of Jesus. “Lazarus come out!” and he was unraveled.

There is always stuff, the world’s worries and chaos that can bind us. We are living as dead men!

John reminds us that Jesus is the Word made flesh! Yet our hearts remain hard.

We are so busy living in the festivities that we have overlooked the miracle worker turning water to wine. Unbelief brings out the blind fold and we gladly secure it.

The outcast responds and rivers like living water begin to flow. The invalid says, “I have no one to help me.” But, here stands the One who unravels, and he is healed!

He has come to speak life and we take him as an ordinary man.

Are you hungry? He is the Bread of Life. But, do not be satisfied with what nourishes the flesh. He unravels deeper!

A rich inspection reveals our sin. We drop to our knees like the adulterous woman to find Jesus liberates us and likewise begins to unravel those in the crowd as well. “He who has no sin, let him throw the first stone.”

Often, we have been the crowd but today we can humbly be the forgiven.

Unravel me Lord!

He has come to give sight to the blind. But if we say we can see we remain blind and bound.

Can you hear his voice? Come out Lazarus! We can recognize his voice. Contrary messages and voices lure us to kill and destroy.

He is the Good Shepherd, the Resurrection and the Life. He comes to unravel us. One piece of linen at a time. He deals with our blindness so that we can see. He calls us from our sinful slumber and liberates the dead man.

Like a Good Shepherd he leads us besides quiet water. Get away from the noise that distracts.

He redirects my feet so that my path is secure.

We live like dead men.  Blind and bound by everything but love.

Look closely.  Jesus' heart is broken. He wept.

The tomb could not keep Lazarus.  Death lost its grip.  The Resurrection and the Life has called and Lazarus answered!

Do you hear him calling?   What are you wrapped up in?  He is able to unravel us and bring new life.

Now look back! Nothing to bind us anymore. He unravels us! “Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life.” (Psalm 23:6)

Yes, he prepares a table for us in view of all our enemy. We are no longer bound!

Jesus said to her, “I am the Resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies, and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?” (John 11:25-26)

Take off the filthy rags. Get rid of the stench and discard the grave clothes.

Be washed!  There is a robe waiting for the children of the King!

Have you been unraveled?

God bless you!~Liz

Did you hear me, God?

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